
World Bank to invest USD100m in national park infrastructure

Thursday 28 April 2016

World Bank to invest USD100m in national park infrastructure


THE World Bank is set to pump into Tanzania USD100 million to be spent on improving road infrastructure in the country’s national parks.
The move is meant to lure more tourists as well as promote parks, particularly those located in the southern and western circuits which receive a limited number of tourists annually.
The chief park warden of Ruaha National Park in the southern highlands of Tanzania, Dr. Christopher Timbuka, said the money was meant to boost the number of visitors at the sanctuaries which are managed by the Tanzania National Parks.
“Ruaha NationalPark is one of the sanctuaries that are set to benefit from the World Bank money. This park is in need of a sustainable road infrastructure as currently it’s very difficult for tourists to get into the park, particularly during the rainy season.”
Dr Timbuka added that some tourists failed to visit Ruaha National Park due to poor transport infrastructure leading into the sanctuary, which is rich in biodiversity.
"But, we’re talking with the World Bank who have shown interest in facilitating this important project so that our roads are in good conditions throughout the year,” he said.
Park Tourism manager Tutindaga Mdoe said Ruaha National Park is very rich in flora and fauna. “It is the biggest in Tanzania and right now we’re looking for investors to chip in and invest in different ventures.”

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